Retail visibility and brand insights directly from consumers
Real-time data collection and analytics for fast decision making
More than 100 thousands consumers at around 1500 locations are ready to check trade outlets
Mobile panel of respondents will submit opinions in a few hours
Control activities of field personnel on daily basis with help of our IT infrastructure
CrowdSystems allows to collect and consolidate field data in a few days as well as to share the results with stakeholders in organization for an immediate correction if needed
1. Check situation
Local consumers collect information with smartphone app TopMission
2. Analyze results
Starting from day 1 results are available online through analytical platform
3. Improve situation
Immediate notifications for field teams and eventual integration into KPI system
Active panel of smartphone users will share feedback while interacting with a product or service as well as to confirm it easily by visual and audio data
1. Define methodology
Respondents' profiles are confirmed by information from social networks and previous polls
2. Apply multiple classification analysis
Analytics platform allows to build advanced data interrelations immediately after first results are submitted
3. Measure dynamics
Respondents' profiles are supplemented with survey responses and its easy to compare results in time
IT infrastructure for field personnel management allows to create tasks and get reports on daily basis in easy to use analytics platform
1. Create tasks for staff
Personnel utilize mobile app to submit reports with visual, numerical and audio information
2. Analyze submitted reports
Analytics platform will help to identify priorities for staff development
3. Design motivational programs
Transparent control system will help to improve performance on KPI
Retail chain personnel:
Promo personnel:
Phone: +48 579 070 368, +48 535 185 423
Address: ul.Strzeszyńska 67c/1, 60479 Poznań
Email: office@crowdsystems.pl
NIP: 7811920459
REGON: 363216173
Spółka wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy pod numerem 0000591093, kapitał zakładowy 5000 PLN